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What to Sell on Shopify to Make Money:13 Proven Ideas

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Hey there, future Shopify millionaire! I know you’re itching to find that golden product that’ll have your bank account overflowing. Well, buckle up buttercup, because I’ve got the inside scoop on what to sell on Shopify to make money.

Now, I’m not talking about just any old products. I’m talking about the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème, the products that are so hot, they’re practically on fire! And the best part? You don’t need to be a business genius to figure it out.

13 Proven Ways What to Sell on Shopify to Make Money

What to sell on Shopify to make money? The options are endless.

I’ve turned my dreams into reality with a bustling ecommerce store that runs smoothly because of Shopify. It’s remarkable how much you can achieve just by leveraging great tools while working at your kitchen table.

I know setting up your own online store feels daunting at first. That’s why I’ve gathered my favorite 13 ways to earn with Shopify. If these methods worked for me, they’ll work for you as well.

1. Start a Shopify eCommerce Store

First things first, let’s talk about starting your own Shopify store. This is hands down one of the best ways to make money online.

You’re in charge here. Choose what to sell, craft your unique brand identity, and interact with your audience exactly how you want to.

The day I opened my Shopify store for Eric Javits stands clear in memory—so much nervous energy paired with excitement. My one-of-a-kind offerings were finally set for their debut alongside our brand’s backstory.

Fast forward to today, and my ecommerce store is thriving. I’m making sales in my sleep and doing work I love. If you’re passionate about a product or niche, starting your own Shopify store could be your ticket to financial freedom.

2. Buy an Existing Shopify Store

Not interested in starting from scratch? I get it. Building an online store takes time and effort. That’s where buying an existing Shopify store comes in.

Think about it like buying a fixer-upper house. The foundation is already there, but you get to put your own spin on it.

When I was looking to expand my ecommerce empire, I decided to buy a complementary Shopify store. It already had a customer base and some sales, which gave me a head start. All I had to do was optimize and scale.

Of course, you’ll want to do your due diligence. Look for a store with potential in a niche you understand. Make sure to review the financials and analytics before making an offer.

3. Build a Shopify Dropshipping Business

Okay, let’s talk about one of the hottest trends in ecommerce: dropshipping. This is when you sell products without actually holding any inventory.

When a customer places an order, you simply purchase the item from a third-party supplier who ships it directly to the customer. It’s like being a middleman, but in the best way possible.

I was hesitant about dropshipping at first. But then I realized it’s a low-risk way to test out new trending products. You don’t have to invest in inventory upfront, which means more flexibility to pivot if needed.

A winning dropshipping business hinges on having dependable suppliers and delivering great customer care. You might not deal with stock directly, but customers will see you as the face of your brand.

4. Become a Shopify Affiliate Marketer

Not prepared to sell your own goods yet? Consider affiliate marketing. As a Shopify affiliate, you’ll make money by spreading the word about their services and tools.

Here’s how it works: You share your unique affiliate link on your blog, social media, or website. When someone signs up for Shopify using your link, you earn a commission. It’s that simple.

I’m all in on affiliate marketing because it’s a great way to make money from my current followers. Talking about ecommerce and Shopify is something I do anyway, so why not earn some cash?

Your followers value your opinion because they trust you. Stick to endorsing products you’re passionate about to maintain their faith in what you share.

5. Be a Shopify Expert

Got talent in design, marketing, or development? You could make some extra cash as a Shopify Expert by offering your services to merchants looking for support with their shops.

Think about it: Not everyone has the time or know-how to optimize their store for conversions or create a killer email marketing campaign. That’s where you come in.

I jumped into being a Shopify Expert several years ago to expand how I make money. It’s awesome because I get to assist various clients in achieving their goals while continuously improving my own knowledge and staying updated on what’s hot in the market.

If you want to be a Shopify Expert, begin by applying for the program. After acceptance, create your profile so that merchants looking for expertise can find and connect with you easily.

6. Start a Fashion Brand

Calling all fashionistas. Did you know that fashion is one of the top-selling categories on Shopify? If you have an eye for style and a passion for fashion, starting your own brand could be your calling.

The beauty of fashion lies in its variety. Whether you’re into sustainable fabrics, chic plus-size options, or vintage pieces with history, there’s no shortage of niches to explore.

Watching my friend build her fashion brand on Shopify has been incredible. She began with just a few designs, and now she’s running a full clothing line.

The secret sauce of thriving in fashion is building an unforgettable brand identity paired with dedicated followers. Leverage social platforms to highlight what makes you stand out while connecting deeply with potential customers.

7. Offer Product Photography Services to Shopify Businesses

For any ecommerce business looking to boost sales, investing in top-notch product photography is essential. Quality images not only catch the eye but also build trust with potential customers.

But here’s the thing: Not every Shopify merchant has the skills or equipment to take stunning product photos. That’s where you come in.

If you love photography, why not help Shopify businesses stand out? According to Shopify, professional photos can boost online sales by around 30%. Investing in top-notch visuals is definitely worth it.

I actually started my own product photography side hustle a few years ago. I reached out to Shopify merchants in my niche and offered to take their product photos. It was a win-win: They got great visuals for their store, and I got to do work I loved while earning extra income.

8. Build a Shopify App or Theme

You could really profit as a developer or designer by building Shopify apps or themes. The stores at both the Shopify App Store and Theme Store eagerly welcome new tools that assist merchants in growing their businesses.

Think about the hurdles that Shopify store owners encounter. Imagine which powerful tools or features would make running their business smoother. Your skills and fresh ideas are crucial here.

I have a friend who built a successful Shopify app that helps merchants manage their inventory. He saw a need in the market and filled it with his app. Now, he’s earning a steady stream of passive income from the app sales.

Of course, building an app or theme takes time and effort. But if you have the skills and the drive, it could be a lucrative way to make money on Shopify.

9. Monetize Your Social Media Following

Do you have a large and engaged social media following? Then you could monetize it with Shopify. By creating a store and curating products that align with your brand and audience, you can turn your followers into customers.

This is exactly what I did with my own social media presence. I had built a following in my niche, but I wasn’t sure how to monetize it. Then I had a lightbulb moment: I could create a Shopify store and promote products that I knew my audience would love.

It took a bit of experimenting, but I eventually discovered the right combination of products and offers. My social media followers are now both engaged and contributing to my bottom line.

Your audience appreciates honesty and clarity. Stick to what makes you unique, reflecting the principles that drew them to you in the first place.

10. Offer Freelancing Services

For those managing a Shopify shopfronts needs never end—whether it’s expert advice on content marketing or advanced skills in web design. Freelancers offering services such as SEO improvements or handling social media accounts can make all the difference.

If you’re skilled in something useful for Shopify businesses, don’t hesitate to market yourself. Either get in touch with the merchants one-on-one or make your offerings available through online freelancing hubs.

I kicked off my career with Shopify by freelancing as a writer. Creating engaging product descriptions, informative blogs, and compelling email campaigns for niche merchants helped me gain practical experience while expanding my portfolio.

If you’re freelancing, delivering great work is crucial. Impressing clients with high-quality results can build your reputation fast. Always strive to go that extra mile for them.

11. Sell Print-On-Demand Products

Print-on-demand is another popular way to make money on Shopify. This is when you sell customized products like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases without holding any inventory.

Once a customer makes an order, the product goes into print mode and heads directly to them. No need for you to worry about stocking up or handling deliveries; it’s truly a risk-free approach.

Running a Shopify store with print-on-demand products has been a fantastic way to offer custom items that my customers love. The best part? The profit margins are really impressive.

The trick to engaging designs is making them click with your target audience. Stick to your brand’s color palette, typefaces, and voice for a unified appearance.

12. Set Up an Online Storefront for a Local Business

Do you know a local business that could benefit from an online presence? Then why not offer to set up and manage a Shopify store for them?

A lot of neighborhood shops are stuck in the brick-and-mortar era and aren’t capturing potential online customers. Setting up a Shopify store could open doors to more buyers and boost their income significantly.

I actually did this for a local bakery in my area. They had an amazing product but no online presence. I approached them and offered to set up a Shopify store to sell their baked goods online.

The deal worked out perfectly: The bakery got to grow its customer base while I pocketed some extra cash from commissions. Best of all, it felt good backing a community staple.

13. Sell Digital Products

Last but certainly not least is the topic of digital products. Think of things like downloadable ebooks, streaming music tracks, graphic designs ready for use in your projects, and comprehensive online courses on just about any subject you can imagine.

The great thing about digital products is that they have no inventory or shipping costs. You create them once and can sell them over and over again.

I’ve put together a few digital products for my Shopify store, like an ebook and a course. These have been awesome ways to share what I know with my audience while also making some passive income.

The secret sauce to successful digital products is addressing what your target audience really wants or needs. Don’t just churn out an ebook; ensure it brings valuable information they can’t find elsewhere.

That’s it – now you’ve got 13 solid ways to earn cash using Shopify. From starting your own online shop and providing various services to marketing digital products, there’s no shortage of opportunities to turn passion projects into income streams.

Identify where your strengths lie and dive into those areas without hesitation. Testing various strategies might lead you to success sooner than expected. Creativity paired with determination will help you make money online using Shopify.

To get better ideas what to sell on shopify to make money check out my blog post 15 Best Selling Products on Shopify in 2024.

*Shopify offers endless opportunities to make money. From starting your own store, dropshipping, or selling digital products—there's a path for everyone. Find what matches your skills and passions, and don't hesitate to experiment."

9 Best Practices for Selling Products on Shopify

If you’re looking to make money on Shopify, you’ve got to know what to sell. But once you’ve got your winning product, there are some key best practices to follow to set yourself up for success.

I’ve been in the ecommerce game for over a decade now, and I’ve seen firsthand what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to selling on Shopify. So buckle up, because I’m about to drop some serious knowledge bombs on you.

Identify Trending Products

The first step in achieving success on Shopify is recognizing current trends. Spotting and capitalizing on popular products can propel your business forward fast. So, how exactly do you find these trendy items?

Tools like Google Trends are your best friend here. You can see what products are surging in popularity. For example, some of the trending products in 2023 were shapewear, ceramic cookware, and LED face masks.

To be successful selling on Shopify, it’s important to sell products that are in demand.


Validate Your Product Ideas

Just because a product is trending doesn’t mean it’s a guaranteed winner for your Shopify business. You need to validate that there’s actually a hungry market for it.

Before jumping into a new business idea, do your homework. Scope out the competition—are there already lots of stores selling similar products? Check marketplaces like Amazon and AliExpress to see if these items are popular and well-reviewed. Validating your concept is key before pouring in time and money.

Choose the Right Business Model

There are several ways you can structure your Shopify business. You could do dropshipping, where you sell products without holding any inventory yourself. Or you could manufacture your own products, or buy wholesale goods to resell.

When choosing between dropshipping and manufacturing, consider this: Dropshipping keeps costs low while reducing risks but limits your control over products. Manufacturing offers unique goods at a steeper starting price tag yet provides greater creative freedom. Choose based on what fits your financial situation, skills set, and future aspirations.

Optimize Your Product Pages

Your product pages are where the magic happens. It’s where you turn browsers into buyers. So you better believe they need to be optimized to the max.

Make sure you have top-notch photos displaying all key details of your products. Write catchy descriptions focusing on how they benefit buyers directly—this makes a huge impact.

Add in some customer feedback along with trust factors like free shipping or money-back promises to build confidence among shoppers, driving up those conversion rates on Shopify.

Leverage Email Marketing

Shopify sellers who use email marketing see better results in their sales figures. This method helps maintain customer interest and strengthens the bond between buyers and the brand.

According to Shopify, the average email open rate for ecommerce stores is 16.1% compared to only 4.2% for Facebook posts. So start building that email list from day one. Offer a discount code or free shipping in exchange for an email signup. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to earn money with your Shopify store.

Utilize Shopify Apps

Loaded with powerful tools, the Shopify App Store helps you sell more and streamline operations effortlessly. These apps can truly transform your e-commerce game.

A few of my favorites? Oberlo for dropshipping, Klaviyo for email marketing, Yotpo for customer reviews, and Privy for pop-ups and email collection. Take advantage of these tools to give your Shopify store superpowers and start selling more products today.

Offer Subscription Boxes

Ecommerce has been revolutionized by subscription boxes because they convert occasional shoppers into regular clients who bring in continuous income. The element of surprise and anticipation keeps customers eagerly awaiting their unique assortment each month.

The future looks bright for the subscription box business as it’s predicted to reach around $904.2 billion by 2026. Whether it’s books or beauty supplies that excite you, offering themed boxes via your Shopify shop helps personalize shopping experiences and foster customer devotion.

Target the Right Audience

It doesn’t matter how great your product is if you’re not getting it in front of the right people. You need to know your target audience inside and out.

Create detailed buyer personas. What are their demographics? Their interests? Their pain points? Then focus your content marketing efforts on the channels where they hang out, whether that’s Instagram, TikTok, or Google search. Targeting the right audience is key to making money online with your Shopify store.

Sell Both Physical and Digital Products

You don’t need to only sell tangible items on Shopify. Including things like ebooks, online courses, and printables in your store can significantly bump up your earnings.

The beauty of digital products is that they have almost zero overhead costs. No inventory, no shipping, no storage fees. And you can sell them over and over again. Consider creating a digital product to complement your physical products for a killer upsell. It’s a smart way to diversify your income and sell more products on your Shopify store.

So there you have it, folks. These are the best practices I swear by for selling products on Shopify. It’s not about just slapping something up on your store and hoping for the best. It’s about being strategic, data-driven, and always putting your customers first.

You can totally rock your Shopify venture by following these steps. Take it from someone who’s been through the grind – combine persistence with smart strategies like marketing effectively or optimizing product listings. Soon enough, you’ll see those efforts turning into real cash flow from selling products online.

"To make money on Shopify, follow these best practices: identify trending products, validate your ideas with market research, choose the right business model for you, optimize product pages to boost conversions, and leverage email marketing. Utilize powerful Shopify apps and consider offering subscription boxes. Target the right audience and sell both physical and digital products."

How to Find the Most Profitable Products to Sell on Shopify

Getting top-selling products on Shopify requires more than guesswork; solid research is key. Random picks often fail—you learn these lessons quickly when you’re in the game like I am.

Pick something you’re passionate about and dive into researching which products are popular and can make you money.

Research Your Niche

Begin by choosing a field you’re both familiar with and excited about. Research thoroughly within this niche for potential opportunities. Analyze competitors’ offerings; pinpoint any market voids; review customer feedback for issues you could resolve through your product line-up—this approach helps develop promising business ideas.

Analyze Search Engine Trends

Tapping into Google Trends along with Keyword Planner lets you study how often people are searching specific keywords tied to your niche or items you’re selling. Aim for those rising in popularity but facing little competition – this strategy reveals potentially successful product avenues.

If you’re looking to make money on Shopify in 2023, consider selling trending products like shapewear, ceramic cookware, and LED face masks. By using affiliate marketing and dropshipping methods, you can start your online store without needing a big initial investment.

Leverage Affiliate Programs

You can boost earnings with affiliate programs from various companies that pay you for promoting their goods. Explore sites like ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, and Clickbank to pick the best matches for what you sell on Shopify. Each time someone buys using your referral link; you’ll get a share of the profit.

You can use affiliate marketing as a trial run for new items before deciding whether they’re worth investing in directly. Products that sell well could become part of your regular stock on Shopify, helping build a successful business at minimal cost and effort.

Start Selling Quickly

Shopify makes it super easy to launch your online business quickly. By choosing either dropshipping or print-on-demand, there’s no upfront investment in stock needed. You just select products from suppliers and list them in your shop. As orders roll in and best sellers emerge, then it’s time to think about stocking those popular items.

Ditch perfectionism—launching quickly lets you see what resonates with buyers right away so that improvements come naturally over time based on feedback gathered firsthand during operations thanks largely due mainly by utilizing Shopfiy platform featuring amazing various integrated features including diverse selection specialized functional top-rated applications available directly via their dedicated portal located at this link here – https://apps.shofiycom/p >

Promote with Affiliate Links

If you’ve got an online presence like a blog or popular Instagram account, consider adding affiliate links when talking about products you enjoy. This way, you’ll earn commission while being honest with your followers; just don’t forget disclosure rules apply here too.

If you want to make money from content while driving traffic to Shopify, affiliate links are worth considering. Just pick products that match what you stand for and benefit those who follow you. Doing this helps build trust and positions you as an expert they can rely on.

Invest in Content Marketing

Boosting organic traffic to your Shopify shop is easier when you focus on content marketing. Write blogs full of useful info or tips related to what you’re selling; create video tutorials or behind-the-scenes looks; and keep an active presence on social media channels where potential customers hang out most often—all aimed at attracting people who are genuinely interested in what you’ve got going. Make sure each piece has targeted keywords woven into them so they rank well in searches too.

Sure, content marketing takes time before you see big rewards—but those rewards come through increased traffic without spending money on ads. By consistently producing top-notch information relevant to users’ concerns or passions—you’ll establish yourself as a reliable source they turn back repeatedly too because of how helpful you’ve been over-time

Focus on Niche Products

Going after broad categories is tough; instead, target niche markets where passion runs high among consumers. Niche products tend to have lower competition but higher customer loyalty. Think about the beauty industry—by focusing solely on organic and vegan skincare made especially for sensitive skin types, you tap into a committed audience.

Focusing on one particular area allows your marketing efforts to be precise and impactful for the intended audience. Establish yourself as an expert within this space; doing so nurtures customer confidence and allegiance over time. Moreover, niches tend to offer greater profitability than mass-market goods.

Build Trust with Your Audience

Boosting Shopify sales starts with building a strong foundation of trust. Regularly share helpful tips online and interact directly with potential customers via social media channels like Instagram or Facebook Live sessions. Feature glowing reviews from happy clients prominently in your store’s layout—don’t forget stellar support that makes contacting you effortless when questions arise.

Your business thrives when built on trust because it encourages buying decisions, recommendations among peers, and loyalty from repeat buyers—crucial elements for sustained success. Engage sincerely with them while keeping an eye out towards fulfilling all necessary requirements promptly – thus paving way effectively running productive shop via Shopify platform too.

"To find profitable products on Shopify, research your niche deeply. Use tools like Google Trends to spot trends and leverage affiliate programs for low-risk testing. Start quickly with dropshipping or print-on-demand models and focus on content marketing to attract organic traffic."

Strategies for Growing Your Shopify Store and Increasing Sales

If you’re starting a Shopify store, you want it to be successful. I get it. I’ve been there. Growing an ecommerce store takes work, but with the right strategies, you can start selling on Shopify today and see real results.

With social media at your fingertips—Instagram, Facebook or even TikTok—you have powerful tools available to attract attention from people who matter most for your business. Regularly share captivating content while running targeted ad campaigns; also don’t forget meaningful interactions which help form strong communities surrounding brands.

Utilize Powerful Shopify Tools

Your business growth gets easier with these powerful tools from Shopify at hand. Utilize

-> Live View

If you’re interested in recurring revenue, consider a subscription box business model. According to Shopify, the subscription ecommerce market is projected to reach \$904.2 billion by 2026. Use a Shopify app like Subscription Box to easily add this functionality to your store.

Offer Digital Goods

Add some serious value and boost profits by offering digital goods like ebooks and online courses along with traditional products in your store’s catalog. Consider adding downloadable music files or eye-catching graphic designs too. The best part? No storage worries or mailing expenses involved at all—just use something like Shopify’s handy tool called Digital Downloads.

When choosing what to sell on Shopify to make money, focus on products you’re passionate about. Your genuine interest will shine through in your marketing and customer interactions. Don’t be afraid to niche down and choose a specific topic. You’ll be able to better connect with your target audience this way.

Cater to Businesses and Consumers Alike

Don’t limit yourself to only selling to consumers. Many businesses also purchase products online. Consider adding a wholesale or bulk pricing option to your Shopify store. You can also create a separate storefront specifically for B2B sales. Selling to businesses can lead to larger order values and recurring revenue.

If you don’t want to hold your own inventory, partner with a print-on-demand service. Companies like Printful and Printify allow you to sell custom products without the upfront investment. You can sell merchandise like t-shirts, hats, and phone cases featuring your designs.

Sell Services Online

If you’re running a Shopify store that sells only physical or digital goods right now, consider adding some variety by offering services too. From life coaching to marketing consultations and freelance gigs—package these skills creatively on your site for additional revenue opportunities.

Online spaces like Amazon and eBay provide fantastic opportunities for sellers aiming at large crowds eager for new finds. You don’t even need separate management tools—Shopify lets you handle listings across various sites smoothly within its own system.

Curate Products from Various Sources

Skip the hassle of making every product yourself by sourcing great items elsewhere. Through dropshipping with resources such as AliExpress, which lists many trending products ready for sale, you simply add these finds into your online shop and dispatch directly once someone buys.

Building a successful shop on Shopify means always being open to testing out fresh ideas and tweaking them as needed. Find what clicks by exploring different approaches tailored specifically for your venture’s demands—stick with determination—and watch how quickly profits roll into your thriving e-commerce platform.

"Leverage social media to build your brand. Use Shopify tools like Analytics, Email, and Inbox for growth. Consider subscription boxes and digital goods to boost revenue. Cater to both consumers and businesses with wholesale options. Sell services online or curate products through dropshipping for unique offerings.

Dario`s Summary

So there you have it, folks – the ultimate guide on what to sell on Shopify to make money in 2024. From trending products to timeless classics, there’s no shortage of profitable ideas to choose from.

Succeeding on Shopify requires more than choosing popular products—it demands hustle, savvy promotion skills, and unwavering commitment to your vision. Blend ingenuity with effort to watch your online shop grow into something extraordinary.

The clock’s ticking – it’s time to start selling! Grab hold of the countless opportunities waiting for you with Shopify. Let’s rake in that money now!

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