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How to Find Best Selling Products on Shopify for Your Store

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If you’re trying to uncover how to find best selling products on Shopify, you’re in good company! There are more than 1.75 million other sellers vying for attention too. Many folks get it wrong by jumping on every trend or copying what others do, crossing their fingers for results. That approach often leads nowhere special.

I’ve been deep in the ecommerce game for years, witnessing every high and low. Let me tell you, how to find best selling products on Shopify isn’t about luck; it’s all strategy and research with a dash of gut feeling. If you’re tired of guessing games and want to start selling like a seasoned pro, stick around. I’m going to share some insights that will revolutionize your approach to product research.

How to Find Best Selling Products on Shopify

You’ve started your Shopify store, added some products, and are eagerly waiting for the sales to roll in. But how do you know which products are your top performers? Which ones are flying off the virtual shelves and bringing in the big bucks?

E-commerce enthusiasts, rejoice. With Shopify’s built-in tools, identifying best selling products on shopify in 2024 becomes a breeze. Leverage this data for smarter strategies and see an uptick in sales.

Analyze Your Sales Reports

Start by checking out your Shopify sales reports. These reports are packed with insights about how well your products are doing. You’ll quickly spot the best-sellers and see which items need a bit more love.

To access your sales reports, head to your Shopify admin and click on “Analytics” and then “Reports.” From there, you can view your sales over different time periods and break them down by product, collection, or even sales channel.

Identify Top-Performing Products

Once you’re in your sales reports, it’s time to identify your top-performing products. Look for the items with the highest number of units sold and the most revenue generated. These are your best-selling products , the ones that are resonating with your customers and driving your sales.

Make a list of your top 10 or 20 best-sellers and take a closer look at what makes them so popular. Is it the product itself? The price point? The way you’ve marketed them?

Understanding the factors behind your best-sellers can help you replicate that success with other products.

Utilize Shopify's Built-In Analytics

Besides sales reports, Shopify gives you a variety of built-in analytics tools to monitor how well your store is doing. These tools include:

  • Live View: See real-time data on your store’s traffic, sales, and more.
  • Acquisition reports: Find out where your customers are coming from and which marketing channels are driving the most sales.
  • Behavior reports: Get insights into how customers are interacting with your store, including which pages they’re visiting and how long they’re staying.

Checking your Shopify analytics regularly helps you see patterns, find areas that need work, and make smart choices to improve your store and increase sales.

Benefits of Sorting by Best-Selling Products on Shopify

Now that you know how to find best selling products on shopify, let’s discuss why it’s crucial to keep an eye on them. Ranking your items by their sales isn’t just for show—it can genuinely boost your profits.

Maximize Profits

If you’re looking to ramp up profits and scale up fast, pay close attention to what sells best. Those top-performing products with high-profit margins hold great potential for boosting overall income and expanding reach.

Think about pushing your best-sellers more in your marketing efforts. Highlight them on your website and consider bundling them with other items to boost sales and sell online.

Discover Trending Items

If certain items are selling like hotcakes, it’s more than just luck. These popular picks can show what’s trending and help you understand the preferences of your target audience better.

Pay attention to what’s flying off the shelves and find common traits among these best-sellers. Doing this might reveal fresh product opportunities, helping you stay competitive in your field for the trending product.

Optimize Inventory Management

If you sort your items based on best-sellers, you’ll manage your inventory more efficiently. Knowing which products are popular lets you stay ahead of demand and ensures you’re never out of stock when customers need it most.

On the flip side, identifying your slower-moving products can help you make decisions about which items to discontinue or discount to clear out excess inventory.

Strategies for Identifying Profitable Product Ideas

While identifying how to find best selling products on shopify that are useful, what should you do if you’re at the beginning of your journey or want to add more items to your collection?

How can you find fresh product ideas that will make money in one of your Shopify stores?

Consider trying these strategies to improve your approach:

1. Conduct Market Research

Before you buy a new product, make sure to do your research. Check for market gaps and underserved areas where customers are facing issues that your product can solve.

If you want to know what’s trending in your field, use tools like Google Trends. Don’t forget to explore online forums and social media where customers share their thoughts.

2. Analyze Competitor Offerings

Check out what your competitors are doing and how they present their products. Find gaps where you can stand out by offering something better or different from what’s already available.

You might want to use resources like Jungle Scout or Helium 10, which can show you what’s hot right now in selling products across platforms like Amazon. This way, you’ll have plenty of inspiration when choosing stock for your shop. 

3. Leverage Social Media Insights

Looking for new product ideas?

Social media has you covered. Keep an eye on discussions within your niche to see what issues people are talking about and which questions come up frequently.

Using social listening tools helps track conversations about both your brand and your rivals’ brands. This can reveal strengths to build on and weaknesses in product offerings that need addressing to satisfy market demand.

4. Evaluating Market Demand and Competition

After coming up with some product ideas, it’s crucial to check out the market demand and see what your competition is like. This will help you figure out if there’s a real opportunity for your Shopify store.

5. Assess Customer Pain Points

Your first step should be understanding the customer pain points that your product can alleviate. Ask yourself if there’s a real necessity or desire for such a solution, and think about how large of an audience faces this challenge.

If you’re curious about what people want to know regarding your product idea, try using resources like Answer the Public. It’s also smart to look up statistics on how large your target market might be.

6. Identify Underserved Niches

Next up, try to find specific customer groups within your audience that might be neglected. Is there a segment whose requirements aren’t addressed by what’s currently available?

For example, if you’re selling fashion items, you might identify an underserved market for plus-size or petite clothing that caters to specific body types and sizing needs.

7. Monitor Industry Trends

Stay updated with current trends in your field and watch what competitors are up to with their products. Is the market saturated with similar items? How successful are those competing products?

Check out tools like SimilarWeb or Alexa to see how much traffic and engagement your competitors’ websites are getting. This way, you can find gaps in the market to make your product stand out or focus on a different audience.

Take time to analyze market trends and see how crowded the field is before deciding on which product ideas to go after. By using smart strategies backed by data, you’ll be able to pick out profitable items that appeal to your target audience and help grow your e-commerce business.

"Shopify's built-in tools help you how to find best selling products on shopify. Dive into sales reports to spot top performers and use analytics for real-time insights. Maximize profits by focusing on moneymakers, discover trends, and optimize inventory management."

Optimizing Your Product Listings for Maximum Visibility

If you want to know how to find best selling products on Shopify, it starts with optimizing your product listings. You can have the best product in the world, but if no one can find it, you’re not going to make any sales.

Craft Compelling Product Descriptions

Your products won’t sell themselves, so having compelling descriptions is essential. While keywords are important, what truly matters is crafting messages that connect with the people you’re trying to reach.

The best product descriptions focus on how the item can improve your customer’s life. Will it save them time or money? Maybe it’ll cut down on their daily hassle. Could it boost their confidence, help them look stylish, or encourage a sense of adventure?

Picture this: you’re spinning a tale that hooks your audience right from the start. You want them to feel something, laugh maybe, or even shed a tear. Adding some humor and personality can make all the difference in making your products shine.

Utilize High-Quality Images

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s especially true for product photography. High-quality images are crucial to catch eyes and present your products in the best possible way.

Invest in professional photography if you can. But even if you’re on a budget, there are plenty of ways to take great photos yourself. Use natural light, keep your background simple, and show your products from multiple angles.

Remember to use some great lifestyle images too. When folks see your products being used, they can better visualize incorporating them into their lives. Creating an aspirational vibe is key here.

Implement Effective Pricing Strategies

Pricing is always a tricky balancing act. You want to make a profit, but you also need to stay competitive and appeal to your target market.

One strategy I’ve used successfully is to offer tiered pricing based on quantity. This can encourage customers to buy more and increase your average order value. You can also experiment with bundling complementary products or offering limited-time discounts.

Watching your competitors’ pricing is smart, but don’t just copy them. Instead, show why your product offerings are better. Highlight what makes you different and use that in both your prices and marketing strategies.

Leveraging Shopify Apps and Tools for Product Research

To stay ahead and discover the next big thing, you have to keep researching and testing new products. Luckily, there are plenty of fantastic Shopify apps and tools that can assist with this process.

Utilize Product Research Apps

One tool I absolutely love for product research is Sell The Trend. This app pulls in data from various sources to help you find trending products and niches with ease.

For those needing inspiration, check out Ecomhunt. Each day they highlight winning products from different websites, giving you insight into what’s popular in thriving stores right now.

There are lots of product research apps out there. Take some time to find the ones that fit your needs best. The trick is to use them often and keep an eye out for new opportunities, also for dropshipping products.

Analyze Customer Reviews

If you want to know how people feel about your current products, just read the customer reviews. They’ll show you both the positives and where there’s room for changes or upgrades.

Pay close attention to any common themes or pain points that come up in reviews. Is there a feature that customers keep mentioning? A problem that keeps cropping up? These are all clues for how you can improve your existing products or develop new ones.

You can use an app like Yotpo to easily collect and manage customer reviews on your Shopify store. But don’t stop there – make sure you’re also monitoring reviews on other sites and marketplaces where your products are sold.

Track Inventory Levels

Keeping a close eye on your inventory levels can also give you valuable insights for product research. Which products are flying off the shelves? Which ones are sitting stagnant?

If you see a product flying off the shelves, it’s clear people love it. You might want to order more of that item or even think about creating similar products to boost your selection.

On the flip side, if you have products that just aren’t moving, it may be time to cut your losses and discontinue them. Don’t be afraid to experiment and pivot based on what the data is telling you.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Monitoring Emerging Trends

In ecommerce, things move fast. Trends can shift overnight, so staying on top means you need to keep an eye out for the latest changes and seize new opportunities as they come.

Stay Updated on Industry News

The best way to catch emerging trends is by staying informed through various channels. Regularly reading blogs related to ecommerce or listening to niche-specific podcasts can help you stay updated.

Some of my go-to resources are the Shopify blogA Better Lemonade Stand, and Ecommerce Fuel. But there are tons of great options out there – find the ones that resonate with you and make them a regular part of your routine.

If you’re only passively consuming content right now, it’s time to switch it up. Start commenting on posts that interest you—ask some burning questions or even add your insights. By getting involved in conversations online, you’ll expand both what you know and how well you understand things.

Attend Trade Shows and Events

If you want to keep your edge sharp, make sure to hit up industry trade shows and events. They’re great places to meet other business owners, learn directly from pros, and see new products and tech before anyone else does.

If you’re into ecommerce, you’ve probably heard about major conferences like Shoptalk and Retail Global. These are huge. However, there are also many smaller events focused on specific niches that offer great value too.

Even if you can’t attend in person, many events offer virtual tickets or post recordings after the fact. Make an effort to tune in and soak up as much knowledge as you can.

Engage with Your Target Audience

Your customers hold a wealth of information. Engaging with them directly can reveal emerging trends and spark ideas for new products.

Engage with your audience through social media, email marketing, and other channels. Ask them what they think about your current products and what new items they’d like to see. Find out which trends are catching their interest.

Why not get your customers involved in creating new products? You can gather their opinions through surveys or focus groups to see what ideas stick. Or, try crowdsourcing by holding a contest and letting them share their own creative suggestions.

Engaging with your audience helps you get a better feel for what they really want. When you understand their needs, you’ll be able to spot those winning products that can boost your Shopify store sales and increase profit margins.

Optimize your Shopify product listings by writing engaging descriptions, using high-quality images, and implementing effective pricing strategies. Regularly research trending products with apps like Sell The Trend and Ecomhunt. Analyze customer reviews to improve offerings, track inventory levels for insights, and stay updated on industry trends through news sources and events."

My Final Thoughts about how to find best selling products on Shopify

So there you have it – the no-nonsense guide on how to find best selling products on Shopify. It’s not rocket science, but it does take work. You can’t just throw up any old product and expect the sales to roll in. You need to do your homework, know your audience, and offer something truly valuable.

The upside is huge when you get things right—you’ll attract dedicated customers, maintain consistent sales, and establish a long-lasting business. Put in the effort without hesitation! Rely on your instincts but stay sharp and curious about learning more every day. With focus and solid plans in place, success with Shopify is within reach.

Get out there and find those winning products! Everyone’s waiting for your next big thing. Success doesn’t come from perfection but from steady progress. Take it step by step with each new product, and you’ll make it happen. You’ve got this!

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