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How to Start a YouTube Channel in 2024 (Your Best Beginner’s Guide)

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You’ve been thinking about “how to start a YouTube channel”, haven’t you? I know the feeling.

It’s exciting, a little scary, but mostly just thrilling to imagine your content out there for the world to see. And here’s the thing: learning how to start a YouTube channel is not as complicated as you might think. In fact, with a little guidance and a dash of courage, you’ll be up and running in no time. 

Understanding what is YouTube automation can streamline your workflow, making content creation even easier. For those interested in taking it a step further, exploring automated business ideas can significantly boost your life and making money online. 

Get ready to learn everything you need to know about starting a successful YouTube channel!

how to start a youtube channel

We’ll begin by helping you find your perfect niche.

Then, we’ll walk through the process of setting up your channel and creating engaging content that your audience will love.

But we won’t stop there – we’ll also discuss how you can monetize your videos and turn your YouTube hobby into a profitable venture.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the confidence and skills to embark on your YouTube journey. Are you excited? Let’s get started!

Choose a Niche and Target Audience

The first step of how to start a YouTube channel, is to choose your niche. What are you passionate about? What topics get you fired up and excited to share with the world?

For me, it was all about Digital Marketing. I knew I could talk about Ecommerce for hours on end without ever getting bored. But passion alone isn’t enough to build a successful YouTube channel. You need to do your research and find a niche that has a real audience hungry for the content you want to create.

Identify Your Passions and Interests

Start by brainstorming a list of topics that fascinate you.

Think about what you love to learn about, what you’re always eager to discuss with friends, or what you could see yourself creating videos about long-term. Your niche could be broad like cooking, fitness, or personal finance. Or you could drill down into a more specific sub-niche, like vegan meal prep, powerlifting, or investing in cryptocurrency.

The key to how to start a YouTube channel successfully is to find the sweet spot between what you’re passionate about and what people are actually searching for on YouTube.

Research Popular Niches

To get a sense of what niches are popular on YouTube, spend some time browsing the trending videos and most-subscribed channels. Take note of the topics that come up again and again.

See what types of video content perform well in each niche. You can also use tools like TubeBuddy (to find YouTube video ideas) or VidIQ to research keywords and get data on what people are searching for, including “how to start a YouTube channel”.

But don’t just chase trends or pick an oversaturated niche because it seems popular. The goal is to find an area where you can put your own unique spin and provide real value to your relevant audience.

Consider Your Target Demographic

As you are zero in on your niche, start to picture your ideal viewer. How old are they? Where do they live? What are their interests and pain points? What kind of content are they looking for on YouTube, especially if they are searching for “how to start a YouTube channel”?

Creating an audience persona can help you get inside the heads of your target demographic. You can picture your ideal subscriber and craft video content that speaks directly to their needs and desires.

For example, when I was starting my Alpha Money Income YouTube channel, I knew I wanted to reach Online Entrepreneurs. So I focused on creating Video how to make money online that would appeal to their interest in generating income through various online avenues, including providing tips on “how to start a YouTube channel”.

Analyze Competitor Channels

Once you have a clear idea of your niche and target audience, it’s time to scope out the competition.

Search for keywords related to your niche, including “how to start a YouTube channel”, and see what channels come up. Analyze their video content, subscriber count, engagement levels, and overall brand. What are they doing well? Where do you see gaps or opportunities to differentiate yourself?

Use competitor research as inspiration for your own YouTube channel, but don’t get discouraged if you see big channels covering similar topics. There’s always room for a fresh voice and unique perspective.

When I was starting out, channels like Hello I`m Ali and Adam Erhart were already well-established in the Digital Marketing space. But I knew I could bring my own Ecommerce experiences and to the table. The key is to find your unique selling proposition. What can you offer that no one else is doing quite like you? Lean into that to make your YouTube channel stand out, even in a crowded niche.

Set Up Your YouTube Channel

Now that you’ve nailed down your niche and target audience, it’s time to set up your YouTube channel. This is where you’ll create your channel’s branding and layout to attract your ideal viewers and establish yourself as a serious content creator.

If you’re wondering how to start a Youtube channel, this guide will walk you through the essential steps.

Create a Google Account

The first step is to create a dedicated Google account for your YouTube channel. You can use an existing account if you have one, but I recommend starting fresh with a new account specifically for your YouTube brand.

This will make it easier to keep your personal and professional online presence separate. It also allows you to have a clean slate for building up your channel’s brand and SEO.

To create a new Google account, simply go to accounts.google.com/signup and follow the prompts. Choose an email address and channel name that aligns with your brand and niche, ensuring it’s optimized for those searching for “how to start a YouTube channel”.

Customize Channel Layout

Once you’ve created your account, it’s time to customize your channel layout and branding. If you’re learning how to start a YouTube channel, this step is crucial for establishing your brand identity.

This includes adding a profile picture, channel banner, and description that showcases your personality and niche. Aim to create a cohesive visual brand that will be instantly recognizable to your target audience.

Your banner is the large image at the top of your channel page. It’s prime real estate for communicating what your channel is all about. Use eye-catching visuals and clear text to convey your value proposition.

For example, my banner features ALPHA MONEY INCOME – Easy to Making Money Online to instantly communicate the focus of my channel.

Upload Channel Art and Profile Picture

In addition to your banner, you’ll want to upload a profile picture and thumbnail images for your videos. Your profile picture appears next to your videos and comments, so choose something that represents your brand at a small scale.

Many creators use a logo or headshot. Video thumbnails are the small preview images that appear in search results and suggested videos. They can have a big impact on whether someone clicks to watch. Aim to create bright, eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video content. Use bold text and images that spark curiosity.

Configure Channel Settings

Finally, take some time to explore your channel settings and configure your preferences. This includes settings for privacy, monetization, and notifications. You can also add links to your website and social media profiles to help grow your online presence.

Consider enabling features like custom URLs and channel memberships as you grow. But for now, the key is to make sure your basic channel settings are optimized for discoverability and engagement, especially if you`re just starting and looking for how to start a YouTube channel.

Invest in Essential Equipment

With your channel set up and ready to go, it’s time to gear up for creating high-quality video content. While you don’t need to break the bank on fancy equipment right away, investing in a few key pieces can make a big difference in the production value of your YouTube video ideas.

Choose a Quality Camera

When you’re just starting out, you can definitely film with a smartphone or webcam. But as you grow, you may want to upgrade to a dedicated video camera for better image quality and more control over your shots.

There are tons of great options out there at various price points. Look for a camera with HD video capabilities, good low-light performance, and external mic input. Some popular choices for YouTubers include the Canon PowerShot G7 X, Sony RX100, and Panasonic Lumix GH5. But the best camera for you will depend on your budget, niche, and shooting style.

Acquire Proper Lighting

Never underestimate the power of good lighting to take your videos to the next level. Proper lighting can help you look your best on camera, minimize shadows and unflattering angles, and create a more polished look overall. You don’t need a fancy studio setup to achieve good results.

A simple ring light or softbox can work wonders, especially if you’re filming indoors. Play around with positioning your lights at different angles to find what’s most flattering for your face and eliminates harsh shadows. Aim for even, diffused light that makes you look bright and approachable on camera.

Invest in a Microphone

Audio quality is just as important as video when it comes to creating engaging YouTube content. Poor sound can be an instant turnoff for viewers, even if your visuals are top-notch.

Investing in a good microphone can help you capture crisp, clear audio that keeps people watching. There are a few different types of mics you can use, depending on your setup and preferences. Lavalier mics are small clip-on mics that are great for filming on the go. Shotgun mics mount on top of your camera for focused audio capture. And USB mics plug right into your computer for easy recording.

If you`re exploring how to start a YouTube channel, choosing the right microphone is crucial for quality video. I started out with Shure SM7B and have since upgraded to Shure SM7B Pro. But you can get great results with an affordable option like the Rode SmartLav+ or Blue Snowball.

Purchase Editing Software

Once you’ve filmed your video content, you’ll need a way to edit it into a polished final product. If you’re learning how to start a YouTube channel, you might begin with basic edits using free software like CapCut. Investing in a more powerful program can give you more creative control and professional results, essential knowledge for those learning how to start a YouTube channel.

I recommend downloading Davinci Resolve. BlackMagicDesign, the company that produces that software, offers a free version and a Studio version for $400. The good news is that even the free version has everything you can possibly need for your YouTube channel. It’s a professional editing software used in Hollywood and praised especially for its unsurpassed color grading tools. You can edit your footage shot with a green screen, create special effects, edit sound, and much, much more. 

Popular choices include Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and Sony Vegas Pro. These programs have a steeper learning curve but offer advanced features like multi-cam editing, color correction, and special effects. I have to mention here, that Adobe’s products have been notorious for their instability, crashing and closing unexpectedly. 

The key is to choose a program you’re comfortable with and that fits your needs and budget. Remember, you don’t need Hollywood-level production to succeed on YouTube.

The most important thing is to get started with what you have and continuously improve your skills over time. As your channel grows, you can always invest in better equipment and level up your production value. But don’t let gear hold you back from hitting record and putting yourself out there. With your niche, target audience, channel setup, and essential equipment in place, you’re well on your way to building a successful YouTube channel.

Stay tuned for more tips on planning your content, optimizing your videos, and growing your audience as you learn how to start a YouTube channel.

Key Takeaway

Plan Your Content Strategy

Planning your content strategy is crucial when starting a YouTube channel. It’s the foundation that everything else is built upon.

Brainstorm Video Ideas

The first step in understanding how to start a YouTube channel is brainstorming video ideas that align with your niche and target audience.

I’ve found that a mix of evergreen content (which stays relevant long-term) and timely, trending topics works best. Evergreen video ideas could be how-to guides, product reviews, or educational content.

Trending topics might be current events, viral challenges, or hot news in your industry. The key is variety – you want a diverse content plan that keeps viewers engaged and coming back for more.

Create a Content Calendar

Once you have a list of ideas for how to start a YouTube channel,  it’s time to get organized with a content calendar. Trust me, this will save you so much time and stress in the long run.

A content calendar helps you plan out your YouTube videos in advance, setting specific dates for filming, editing, and publishing. I like to plan at least a month ahead, but you can start with a week or two until you get the hang of it.

Consistency is key on YouTube, so aim for a regular upload schedule that your audience can count on.

Determine Video Length and Frequency

Next up, you need to decide on your video length and posting frequency when planning how to start a youtube channel. This will depend on your niche, audience preferences, and your own schedule.

Some topics work well as short, snackable videos, while others need a longer format to really dive deep. I’ve experimented with everything from 3-minute vlogs to 45-minute tutorials. It’s all about finding that sweet spot for your specific YouTube content.

As for frequency, quality beats quantity every time. Don’t burn yourself out trying to post daily if it means sacrificing the value you’re providing.

Incorporate Trending Topics

Finally, when figuring out how to start a YouTube channel, don’t forget to keep an eye on trending topics and incorporate them into your content plan. Jumping on relevant trends can give your videos a major boost in views and engagement.

Tools like Google Trends and the YouTube Trending page are great for spotting what’s hot. Just make sure you’re putting your own unique spin on the trend and adding value, not just hopping on the bandwagon for views.


Optimize Your Videos for Search

Congrats, you’ve planned and created an awesome video. Now it’s time to optimize it for search so people can actually find it. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, so this step is crucial.

If you’re wondering how to start a YouTube channel, this guide will also help you understand the importance of optimization from the very beginning.

Craft Compelling Video Titles

Your video title is the first thing people see, so it needs to be compelling and clear. If you’re video is about how to start a YouTube channel, include this main keyword upfront, but avoid clickbait or misleading titles.

You want to entice viewers to click while still setting accurate expectations for what the video is about. I like to brainstorm 5-10 title options and then narrow it down to the strongest one.

Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can also help gauge the effectiveness of your titles.

Write Engaging Descriptions

Your video description is prime real estate for video SEO. This is where you can include more details about the video topic, relevant keywords, links, and calls-to-action.

For instance, if your videos covers how to start a YouTube channel, make sure to mention this keyword naturally within the description. I aim for at least 200 words in my descriptions, front-loading the most important information and keywords.

But avoid keyword stuffing – keep it natural and readable. Use formatting like bullet points or timestamps to break up the text and highlight key takeaways.

Include Relevant Keywords

Keywords are the lifeblood of YouTube SEO. These are the search terms your key audience is using to find videos like yours, such as how to start a YouTube channel.

Do your research to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that fit your video topic. Then, weave them naturally into your title, description, and tags. But remember, relevance is key. Don’t force keywords where they don’t belong just for the sake of SEO.

The goal is to help the right viewers find your video, not to game the system.

Utilize Tags Effectively

Video tags are another important piece of the YouTube SEO puzzle. Tags help YouTube understand the content and context of your video so it can show up in relevant search results and suggested videos.

Include a mix of broad and specific tags, using your target keywords and related terms, such as how to start a YouTube channel. You can also scope out the tags your competitors are using for inspiration. Just keep your tags concise and relevant – no need to stuff in everything and the kitchen sink.

Edit and Enhance Your Videos

You’ve filmed your video, but the work isn’t over yet. Editing is where the magic really happens.

Select Editing Software

First things first, if you’re learning how to start a YouTube channel, you need to choose your weapon of choice for video editing.

There are tons of options out there, from beginner-friendly apps like CapCut to professional programs like Davinci Resolve, as absolute top in the NLE world now, or somewhat dated but still good Adobe Premiere Pro. As a beginner, I started with simple, free software and worked my way up as my skills improved. The key is finding something that fits your current needs and budget.

Don’t get caught up in fancy features you won’t use – just focus on the basics like cutting, transitions, and text overlays.

Cut and Arrange Footage

Now the real fun begins – it’s time to slice and dice your footage into a compelling story. I like to start by watching through all my footage and making notes on the best takes and key points. Then, I’ll create a rough cut by arranging the clips in a logical order.

This is where you’ll cut out any mistakes, awkward pauses, or irrelevant tangents. Be ruthless – if it doesn’t serve the video’s purpose, it needs to go. Keep your pacing snappy and engaging, but don’t cut so much that your video feels rushed or choppy.

Add Transitions and Effects

Once you have your main footage arranged, it’s time to add some polish with transitions and effects. Used sparingly, these can help smooth out your cuts and add visual interest. But don’t go overboard – too many flashy effects can be distracting and cheesy.

Stick to simple fades or dissolves between clips, and only use more noticeable transitions (like a whip pan or glitch effect) for stylistic purposes. You can also play with color correction and grading to give your video a consistent, professional look.

Incorporate Music and Sound Effects

Finally, don’t neglect your audio. Music and sound effects can take your video to the next level. I always add background music to set the mood and keep viewers engaged.

Just make sure you’re using royalty-free tracks or have permission to use copyrighted songs. Sound effects can also help punctuate key moments and add humor or drama. But again, a little goes a long way – don’t let them overpower the main audio.

And always check your audio levels to ensure a balanced mix between music, sound effects, and dialogue.

Planning your YouTube content is key. Mix evergreen and trending topics to keep things fresh. Use a calendar for scheduling, focus on quality over quantity, and spice up your videos with trends. Don't forget SEO: compelling titles, engaging descriptions, relevant keywords, and effective tags are musts. When editing, choose the right software for you, cut footage carefully, add transitions sparingly, and enhance with music or sound effects without overwhelming.

Upload and Promote Your Videos

You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating amazing video content. Now it’s time to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

Optimize Video Settings

Before you hit that upload button, make sure your video settings are on point. Choose the right resolution, format, and thumbnail to give viewers the best possible experience.

I always enable closed captions and provide translations when I can. It’s a simple way to make your content more accessible to a wider audience.

Share on Social Media Platforms

Social media is your best friend when it comes to promoting your videos.

Share those links far and wide on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – wherever your audience hangs out. But don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your followers, respond to comments, and encourage them to share your content.

The more you interact, the more your reach will grow.

Engage with Your Audience

Speaking of engagement, building a strong relationship with your viewers is key to long-term success on YouTube. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create opportunities for your audience to connect with you and each other.

I make a point to respond to as many comments as I can, even if it’s just a simple “thanks for watching.” It shows my viewers that I value their input and appreciate their support.

Analyze Performance Metrics

To keep growing and improving, you need to track your progress.

YouTube analytics is a goldmine of data on views, watch time, engagement, and audience retention. Use this info to see what’s working, what’s not, and where you can optimize. I check my analytics religiously and use the insights to inform my content strategy.

For example, if I notice a certain type of video gets more views and engagement, I’ll create more content in that vein. It’s all about giving the people what they want.

Monetize Your YouTube Channel

Let’s be real – as much as we love creating content, it’s even better when we can make some money from it. YouTube offers several ways to monetize your channel and turn your passion into profit.

Meet Eligibility Requirements

Before you can start raking in the dough, you need to meet YouTube’s eligibility requirements for monetization.

That means having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months. It might seem daunting at first, but keep putting out quality content and engaging with your audience. You’ll hit those milestones before you know it.

Enable Monetization Features

Once you’re in the YouTube Partner Program, you can enable monetization features like ads, channel memberships, and merchandise.

I’ve found that a mix of these options works best for my channel. Ads provide a steady stream of passive income, while memberships and merch give my most dedicated fans a way to support me directly.

Explore Sponsorships and Brand Deals

As your channel grows, you may start attracting attention from brands who want to collaborate. Sponsorships and brand deals can be a lucrative way to monetize your content.

But be selective about the products or services you promote. Make sure they align with your niche and values. Your audience trusts you, so it’s important to maintain that trust by only recommending things you genuinely believe in.

Offer Merchandise or Services

Another way to monetize your channel is by offering your own merchandise or services. This could be anything from custom apparel to digital products like ebooks or courses. Think about what unique value you can offer your audience. What products or services would they love and benefit from?

I’ve had success with offering personalized coaching sessions and creating a line of branded merchandise featuring my channel logo and catchphrases.

The key is to diversify your income streams and find what works best for you and your audience.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

Collaborate with Other Creators

One of the best parts about being a content creator is the amazing community you get to be a part of. Collaborating with other creators is a fantastic way to expand your reach, create unique content, and make new friends in the process.

Identify Potential Collaborators

Start by looking for creators in your niche who have a similar audience and content style.

I like to reach out to people whose work I genuinely admire and whose values align with my own. It’s also important to consider what you can bring to the table in a collaboration. What unique skills or perspective can you offer that would benefit your collaborator and their audience?

Reach Out and Propose Ideas

Once you’ve identified some potential collaborators, it’s time to make your move. Reach out with a friendly message introducing yourself and your channel.

Be specific about what you admire about their work and why you think you’d make a great team. Come prepared with some video ideas or concepts that would be a win-win for both of your audiences.

Cross-Promote Content

When your collaboration video is ready to go, make sure to promote it on both of your channels. Encourage your viewers to check out your collaborator’s channel and vice versa.

This cross-promotion helps drive traffic and new subscribers to both of your channels. It’s a rising tide that lifts all boats.

Engage in Community Events

Collaborations don’t always have to be one-on-one. Participating in YouTube community events like challenges, livestreams, or charity fundraisers is a great way to connect with multiple creators at once.

These events are a chance to showcase your unique talents and personality while contributing to something bigger than yourself. Plus, you never know who you might meet or what opportunities could arise from putting yourself out there in the community. Some of my best collaborations and friendships have come from taking part in creator events and challenges.

It’s all about building those connections and supporting each other. So don’t be shy – get out there and start collaborating. Your channel (and your audience) will thank you for it.

Get your videos seen by optimizing settings, sharing on social media, and engaging with viewers. Track performance to improve content and explore monetization through ads, merchandise, or collaborations. Keep experimenting to find what works best for you.

Continuously Improve and Evolve

You’ve put in the hard work, created amazing content, and built a loyal following. But here’s the thing: YouTube success isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing journey of growth, adaptation, and constant improvement.

To stay ahead of the game, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of your channel’s performance. And that means diving deep into your YouTube Analytics.

Analyze Channel Performance

YouTube Analytics is your secret weapon for understanding what’s working and what’s not. It’s like having a direct line to your audience’s minds. Pay close attention to key metrics like watch time, engagement, and audience retention.

These numbers tell a story about how viewers are responding to your content. Are certain types of videos consistently outperforming others? Do specific topics or formats seem to resonate more with your audience? Use these insights to shape your future content strategy.

But don’t just rely on numbers alone. Take the time to read through comments and actively seek out feedback from your viewers.

Seek Feedback from Viewers

Your audience is your most valuable resource for improving your channel. They’re the ones watching your videos, engaging with your content, and ultimately deciding whether to hit that subscribe button.

So, don’t be afraid to ask for their input. Encourage viewers to leave comments, participate in polls, or even reach out to you directly with their thoughts and suggestions. You might be surprised by the valuable insights and fresh perspectives they can offer.

Plus, actively engaging with your audience helps foster a sense of community and loyalty around your channel.

Experiment with New Formats

As you continue to grow and evolve your channel, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and experiment with new video formats and styles.

Maybe you’ve always stuck to traditional talking-head videos, but have you considered incorporating more storytelling elements or interactive segments?

Or perhaps you’ve found success with long-form content, but could shorter, punchier videos help you reach a wider audience? The beauty of YouTube is that there’s room for experimentation and creativity. Trying out new things not only keeps your YouTube channel fresh and exciting for viewers, but it also helps you discover new strengths and opportunities for growth.

Adapt to Changing Trends

Here’s the truth: The world of YouTube is constantly changing. What worked last year, or even last month, might not be as effective today. New trends, YouTube algorithms, and viewer preferences are always emerging, and staying relevant means being willing to adapt and evolve with the times. Keep a close eye on what’s happening in your niche and the broader YouTube landscape.

Are certain topics or formats suddenly exploding in popularity? Is there a new feature or tool that could help you better connect with your audience? Staying agile and open to change is key to long-term YouTube channel`s success. Don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary, while still staying true to your core brand and message.

Remember, building a successful YouTube channel is a marathon, not a sprint. By continuously analyzing your performance, seeking feedback, experimenting with new ideas, and adapting to change, you’ll be well on your way to creating a YouTube monetization channel that stands the test of time. So keep pushing forward, stay curious, and never stop evolving. Your audience (and your future self) will thank you for it.

Always dive into your YouTube Analytics to understand viewer preferences and tweak your content accordingly. Engage with your audience for fresh ideas and experiment with new video formats to keep things exciting. Stay alert to trends, adapting as needed, ensuring your channel grows and thrives over time.

Dario's Summary

Starting a YouTube channel is an exciting adventure, isn’t it?

We’ve covered a step-by-step guide of ground together, from choosing your niche and setting up your YouTube channel to creating compelling content and engaging with your audience. It might seem like a lot to take in, but remember: every successful YouTube creator started right where you are now.

The key is to stay authentic, consistent, and open to learning. Your first videos might not be perfect, and that’s okay. You’ll grow and improve with each upload video.

Keep pushing forward, keep connecting with your viewers, and most importantly, keep having fun. Because when you enjoy what you’re creating, your potential audience will feel that passion too.

Be patient. Remember, “doing YouTube” is a marathon, not a sprint race. 

So go ahead, hit that record button, and share your unique voice with the world. Your YouTube journey is just beginning, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you.

Remember, you’ve got this! Now get out there, start creating long-form videos and making money.

Frequently Asked Questions

To earn money directly from YouTube, you must have at minimum 11,000 subscribers as well as 4,000 watching hours in the last year, or 1000 subscribers with at least 10 million views on public shorts that have been valid within the last ninety days. 

If you’ve reached one of these, you are eligible to join the Partner Program and earn a monetization fee for your channel.

Start a YouTube channel absolutely free.

There’s no limit to the amount you’re able to spend on high-quality videos. It’s possible to spend a great deal on professional equipment for recording lighting, editing tools such as effects, as well as the location to shoot.

In any case what you require to begin the YouTube channel is an account on Google account as well as a device capable recording video. 

For most people, this requires using your iPhone and Android. Sure, a traditional webcam or video camera may look appealing however, smartphones are by far better.

The amount a YouTuber earns per user widely and is dependent on many aspects, such as the type of advertisement, the location of the viewer, and the budget of the advertiser. 

In general, YouTube pays around $0.01 to $0.03 per click. That means for each 1,000 views, YouTubers can expect to make between $10 and $30.

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