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10 Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps Compared (2024)

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As an ecommerce business owner, you know that a smooth checkout process is essential. But what about all those potential customers who abandon their carts before completing their purchases? You’ve put in the hard work of attracting customers and showcasing your products.

Don’t let those almost-sales slip away. That’s where the best Shopify abandoned cart apps come into play, helping you recover lost revenue and boost those conversions.

Let’s take a look at why shoppers abandon their online carts. We’ll also explore how a robust Shopify abandoned cart recovery app can address that and help improve the bottom line.

Finding the best tools can make all the difference for any business, whether you’re just starting out or have an established online store.

Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment: The Problem

Shopping cart abandonment occurs when a customer adds items to their virtual cart but leaves the website before completing the purchase. It represents a significant lost revenue opportunity for eCommerce businesses.

In fact, the global cart abandonment rate hovers at a staggering 70.19%, according to Statista. This means roughly seven out of every ten potential customers who showed initial interest in your products decided not to proceed with the purchase.

Why does this happen? Let’s break down the psychology behind cart abandonment so you can better understand (and solve) why your shoppers might be having second thoughts.

Reasons for Abandonment: Unmasking the Culprits

Before we talk about solutions, let’s first understand the most common reasons for shopping cart abandonment. This goes a long way toward crafting a targeted strategy to recover lost carts through tools like cart emails:

  1. Unexpected Costs: High shipping fees, taxes, and other hidden charges are the number one reason for cart abandonment. Imagine this – you’re ready to buy those trendy sneakers, and bam, you get hit with a surprise shipping fee at checkout. You might reconsider that purchase.
  2. Complicated Checkout: Long, complicated checkout forms can feel tedious. If checking out becomes a chore, many users may abandon the purchase.
  3. Mandatory Account Creation: Having to create an account just to buy something can be a major deterrent. Many users prefer the option of guest checkout for a quicker experience. The best Shopify abandoned cart apps provide flexible solutions so shoppers can complete their purchases how they prefer.
  4. Security Concerns: With increasing online scams, customers want assurance that their data is safe. The presence of an SSL certificate and transparent privacy policies can instill confidence. Neglecting those elements could lead shoppers to be wary of entering sensitive information.
  5. Slow Site Speed: In today’s digital world, users expect sites to load instantly. If your online store takes forever to load, shoppers might lose patience and head over to your competitor. This impacts user experience and SEO – Google’s algorithm penalizes sites with high load times.

The Role of Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps: Turning the Tide on Lost Sales

The best Shopify abandoned cart apps address these challenges head-on, working behind the scenes to turn those hesitant shoppers into paying customers. They employ different strategies but with a unified goal: recovering lost sales. (Read our blog post about best shopify apps for sales)

They can help send abandoned cart emails, set up intent popups, and send SMS messages to help recover abandoned carts.

Exploring Top Contenders: Finding the Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps

There are lots of apps that focus on preventing abandoned carts for eCommerce store owners. Choosing the right solution depends on factors like budget, target audience, and the marketing channels you use.

You need to understand the benefits of each Shopify cart abandonment app to make the right decision.

Here’s a breakdown of the 10 best Shopify abandoned cart apps that are changing the game in cart recovery, all popular choices that you’ll find consistently ranking in best-of lists. This should help you make an informed decision:

AppRating (Shopify app store)PricingWhat It Does Best
Omnisend4.8/5 ⭐️ (4,355+ Reviews)Free plan available; Paid plans start from $16/mo.This multi-channel powerhouse integrates email, SMS, and web push notifications into its cart recovery strategy. Omnisend offers great flexibility whether a user wants to set up automated email sequences or create highly personalized campaigns.
Tidio4.7/5 ⭐️ (1,490+ reviews)Free plan available. Paid plans start at $29/mo with expanded live chat functionality and chatbot interactions.This tool emphasizes real-time engagement through a combination of live chat support and automated chatbots. Tidio excels in catching shoppers before they leave, allowing businesses to engage in proactive customer service and guide hesitant buyers toward completing their purchases. They can proactively initiate conversations based on customer behavior (for instance, time spent on the cart page) or when they display exit intent cues.
PushOwl5/5 ⭐️ (2,300+ reviews)Offers a Free plan (500 impressions/month); The Business plan, including core cart recovery, starts at $19/monthThis app utilizes the power of browser push notifications for immediate, attention-grabbing reminders. With easy customization and a straightforward setup, businesses can schedule a series of automated push notifications tailored to their brand’s messaging.
Care Cart4.8/5 ⭐️Offers a Free plan. Pro plan for expanded features is $14.99/monthCare Cart focuses on simplicity and affordability with email, push notifications, and interactive discount features like a ‘Spin the Wheel’. Its easy-to-use interface is particularly suitable for smaller businesses. This interactive element makes it stand out, adding an element of gamification to re-engage shoppers and encourage completing a purchase.
Persistent Cart4.7/5 ⭐️Starts at $3.99/monthThis app abandoned cart app prevents cart abandonment by ensuring customer carts are saved and synced across different devices. This seamless experience eliminates the frustration of having to start over when switching devices, making customers less likely to abandon their purchases.
Keeper by Marsello4.3/5 ⭐️FreeKeeper’s key strength lies in its persistent cart functionality, ensuring shopping carts remain accessible and synced across devices. The app offers a basic solution at no cost, appealing to merchants prioritizing affordability. It removes the hassle of having to re-add items when switching between devices, providing a more streamlined user experience.
WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat5/5 ⭐️Has a free version (limited features and up to 100 manual cart abandonment recovery messages). Paid plans are $9.99/month (additional $0.02 fee/automated message sent).As WhatsApp continues its reign as a globally dominant messaging app, businesses can leverage this direct communication line with their customers. WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat makes it easy to reach shoppers with personalized recovery messages directly in their WhatsApp inboxes, creating a personalized connection for potentially higher engagement than traditional marketing methods.
Adoric5/5 ⭐️Offers a Free plan (access to basic features) Paid plans are available from $9/mo, providing access to a greater range of design options and features.This Shopify app enables eye-catching exit-intent pop-ups and email campaigns tailored for cart recovery. Adoric offers a balance between automated features and creative control, allowing businesses to tailor their designs for specific audience segments.
RecoverMyCart4.7/5 ⭐️Offers a 14-day free trial. Paid plans from $19/moRecoverMyCart tackles cart abandonment on multiple fronts. This includes sending targeted emails, deploying timely pop-ups, and maintaining customer carts across devices. The platform’s reporting features help monitor which messages work, providing insights to further refine their strategies.
PicreelNot listed on Shopify app store, Picreel is not exclusively a Shopify appFree trial available, but no free plan. Paid plans vary based on the features and the number of visitors/month.While not exclusive to Shopify, Picreel specializes in conversion rate optimization (CRO), going beyond traditional abandoned cart recovery. It combines features such as dynamic exit-intent pop-ups with behavioral targeting and A/B testing for effective campaigns tailored to individual shopper actions. This comprehensive approach makes it ideal for stores that need granular control.
Comparison Table: 10 Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps

Making the Most of Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps

Getting the most out of your best Shopify abandoned cart apps isn’t just about picking the right one. It’s also about employing strategies that encourage shoppers to return. Abandoned cart recovery works because shoppers often just need that little extra nudge to follow through.

Here are several best practices:

  1. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure the app is responsive on mobile devices. Considering the rise in mobile commerce, a significant portion of cart abandonment probably originates from smartphones and tablets.
  2. Use Incentives Wisely: Offer a small discount or free shipping in exchange for completing the purchase. This often makes shoppers reconsider returning and helps create a perception of value.
  3. Simplify the Checkout: Encourage guest checkouts for quicker transactions. Reduce form fields as much as possible without losing critical information.
  4. Personalize your Communication: Remind shoppers about what’s in their abandoned carts with personalized messages tailored to their shopping journey and purchase history. Think about your cart email strategy.
  5. Timing is Key: Determine the optimal timeframes to contact customers about their abandoned carts. Some respond better to an immediate email, while others may benefit from a gentle reminder a day or two later.

Dario`s Summary

In the world of ecommerce, lost carts are a given. Not everyone who adds to their cart will complete the purchase. This doesn’t have to be an alarming loss, though.

By strategically implementing some of these Shopify cart recovery apps, you can turn cart abandonment into an opportunity. You can recover lost revenue and foster lasting customer relationships.

It’s about understanding your audience and choosing the tool that best fits your business model.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can view your abandoned checkouts within your Shopify admin panel under the “Orders” section. From there, you can access details about abandoned checkouts such as the date, customer information (if available), and the specific products left in their carts.

Shopify aligns with the global average of approximately 70%. Factors like industry, product types, target audience, and the effectiveness of your checkout process influence these rates. However, that 70% serves as a benchmark.

Yes, Shopify does have built-in abandoned cart recovery functionality. This allows you to send a single email to shoppers after a specific time period (typically an hour after they leave).

Consider implementing best practices to make it frictionless for your shoppers. Streamlining the checkout process with user-friendly forms, multiple payment gateways, and diverse shipping options will all work toward creating a customer-centric experience. A prominent display of security badges can also help build trust and alleviate security concerns.

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